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Second Pregancy with Twins - Cannot take IVIG or Platelet Transfusion

5 years 5 months ago #66449 by neohadoop
Thanks to the forum and it's members for providing wealth of information.
First pregancy:
  • Found for the first time, ITP around 30th week of pregnancy
  • Because of religious beliefs, I cannot accept iVig and platelet transfusion
  • During labor, count was 50K and was able to deliver natuarlly
  • Platelet never returned to normal. Fluctuated between 50k to 100k
  • Baby is healthy, and wonderful
  • Seen by hematologist. Found nothing. He suggested that it should not stop for trying to have second baby. So we tried.
Second Pregancy with Twins:
  • TWINS!! Good news turned out to be a concern as count is at 60k around 10th week
  • Because of religious beliefs, I cannot accept iVig and platelet transfusion
  • With twins, OB said the risk is double
  • Started researching to see natural ways or alternative methods to boost or at least maintain around 70k of count
  • Started taking a glass of green leafy vegetable juice along with beets and carrot every day. Not sure if it would help but something to try.
Note: Please don't judge me because of my religious beliefs. This is personal, and well-thought made decision as directed by my conscience.
  1. This forum has a lot of positive results when probiotics were taken. Did anyone who is pregnant here has a story with probiotics and ITP?
  2. Since I cannot accept iVig, would C-Section, if needed with twins, what can be the lowest count from experiences that I can go and be still safe
  3. From experiences, are there any other natural methods that were successfully tried?

Thanks for taking time to read.

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