Hi I am Frannys dad Ed Franny is 9.5 years old.
I couldn't figure out why Fran was always showing new bruises on her limbs. Franny plays soccer year round at least this past year. I had returned home from being away in the hospital with Frannys sister Chelsea 18 years old who had suffered brain injury in a auto accident. Chelsea is doing very well and intergrating socially. While I was away Franny tripped and fell on pavement complaining of pain in her elbow two days before our arrival back home. The very next day was the start of summer soccer clinic for Franny. I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to observe how she would use her arm and determine if I would take her for x-rays. Fran did very well gaining compliments of the coach. At one point in scrimage play Franny took a hard kicked ball square on the bad elbow and forearm she had been complaining about. During rest Franny showed me her arm stating "look dad the outline of the balls threads left their marks on my arm". I figured now we wouldn't need to x-ray after all if it was broken she would be in great pain. After practice Franny reminded me that I had promised to take her to the doctor to look at her arm, so I did. While at the doctors I remembered to ask why he thought Franny would be bruising so often? The Doctor her pediatrician noted in her chart that 6 mos prior he had sent Franny to an internal specialist due to her complaints of abdominal pains. The internal doctor had ordered blood work including count which showed platelets at 165000. Now six months later the her Pediatrician orders another blood test right there within the medical facility. It was late in the day and I was suprised to see doctor stopping at the lab on his way home to see us.
He told us to come back first thing the next day because Frannys elbow was infact cracked and he wanted it to be casted and at the same time we would go over whatever the blood tests had to reveal. While watching TV that night I get a call from the medical group doctor on call and she tells me Frannys platelet count is critically low 5000 and proceedes to ask if infact Franny is conscious? lucid, bleeding etc.. and to bring her to the emergency room. At the emergency the doctor ran the same blood test again with the same results. We live on an island Maui its a small island and the population center is on a different island Honolulu a half hour plane ride away. The ER doctor his last name Mdee which makes him DR. Mdee which sounds funny tells me that he is on the phone with a pediatric hematologist a hundred miles away on a different island who wants to see my daughter as soon as possible. So I am thinking helicopter ride. Then Dr. Mdee say she's not bleeding so it is not enough of an emergency to run an air ambulance. Oh well I think that means I have to take her myself on a commercial airline the following morning it was midnight. Frannys count was 5000 already I learned she at risk of a bleed and I was put off to say the least.
The next day we arrived at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children and we both were admitted. Franny was given 2 treatments of IVIG the next 2 days after the first her count went up to 16000 and 34000 after the second which she suffered greatly with head and abdominal pain. We were released on the third day. The hematologist orders were to, with the pediatrician assistance have blood test done each week. Franny went from 32000 to 5000 in three weeks. We went back to the hospital out patient facility Franny got pre treated with xxxxx and then one session of IVIG in combination with smaller portion of steroid which brought her count up to 39000 we again were released the same day with no side effects and a percription for Perednisone 20 two times every other day for two weeks. The first week she was at 88000 second week 40000 third week 16000 and tomorrow will be the fourth week and I expect we may have to be going back to clinic. It looks like the two weeks of Perednisone wasn't able to elevate or hold the count at least a that dose. Dr. has been telling me about Rituximab as an option since I first meet hinm 6 weeks ago. I really like Doctors approach. On our first visit to the hospital Doctor showed concern for the headaches Franny had during the second IVIG day and had a MRI of her
head done He also did a marrow biopsy and allowed me to witness and support our daughter through the procedure. The hospital is very accommodating family members and I find this a big plus particularly since I had just been through our other daughters brain injury recovery. I was encouraged to be roomed with her for the two weeks as she emerged from post traumatic amnesia. I am so happy to have found this website an I do intend on keeping up with what is the latest news concerning ITP and Treatement.